Friday, November 5, 2010

Demo applications updated

During the last few days I have updated the demo section of the Beanfabrics homepage.

My intention was to give you some simple real world examples of how to use the Beanfabrics framework for building Java desktop applications. You now find there a very simple FTP browser and a Norton Commander style application for browsing the local file system. Both applications can be started online via Java Web Start, and for both I added a download link to the source code.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Beanfabrics goes SWT

Included into the Beanfabrics developer release 0.8.0 we have published or first draft of a new library with Beanfabrics enabled SWT component decorators. You can now bind SWT components to a Presentation Model.

If you are looking for code examples for using SWT decorators then please download the source distribution. It contains the Beanfabrics source code and two module directories with Swing and SWT sample code.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New code samples demonstrate Beanfabrics features

At you find a new set of code samples that show some of the main features in action.